The £110,000 goal is in sight for our Raise the Roof! Appeal


After 6 months of intense fundraising we are absolutely thrilled to announce that our end goal is within sight! The break through has come in the last few weeks when we have been blessed with generous donations from Wessex Water and from our actor friends  in America. Their contributions took our total to £46,000. Then came a miracle: an extremely kind and significant patron and friend of Next Stage offered us matched funding! Thanks to this amazingly generous gift the Raise the Roof! Appeal has shot up to £92,000.

Now, with just £18,000 left to raise we feel confident to start the essential roof repairs and anticipate the scaffolding going up around the theatre at the start of October, with all the works scheduled to be finished before Christmas.

Whilst the large donations to our Appeal have been the game changers, we would not have attracted these without ALL the contributions and efforts so many of you have made. The fact that literally hundreds of people have supported our attempts to restore and cherish a beautiful heritage building in Bath is what has won the hearts and minds of our patrons. 

It has been a long haul at a very difficult time; here are just some of the memorable milestones along the way:


Six months later, all of us here at the Mission Theatre and everyone in Next Stage Theatre Company wants to thank you for your kindness, generosity, support and encouragement.

It has been such a long journey and we are so relieved and grateful to be nearly at the finish line. We are waiting to hear from 2 more patrons and hope that, with their contributions, we will get over the £100,000 by the end of this month.

So we now have a final push to reach our goal. To achieve this we are reinstating ALL fund raising options during October: Sponsor a Slate; Become a Friend of Next Stage; Buy some books, Make a donation; Offer matched funding. All details can be found here

Please help us across the finish line!
