Since 2005, The Mission Theatre's resident company Next Stage has transformed The Mission from a dilapidated, empty building into a vibrant and much-loved venue in the heart of Bath. The continuing dedication and hard work of Next Stage actors and volunteers onstage, backstage and front-of-house enables The Mission Theatre to thrive. Our well-attended and critically acclaimed productions raise the public profile of the theatre, as well as providing vital financial support for the building.
“What a mighty contribution Next Stage has made, and is making, to Bath’s cultural life.”
Be an Angel for Next Stage and make a real difference to the development and future of The Mission Theatre.
We are asking you to support The Mission Theatre by helping to sponsor one of Next Stage’s forthcoming productions. At any performance audience members see the result of months of planning and preparation, with the cost of a week-long run averaging £2,000. So far our Angel Appeal has raised over £4,000 a year and we are extremely grateful to all our Angels.
We are always seeking Angels for our forthcoming shows - see for more information about our productions.
This is your chance to Be an Angel and, by helping with the cost of Next Stage’s acclaimed productions, you will allow precious funds to be channelled back into The Mission Theatre. Thank you.
Fund a Frock: £150
Hires one costume for a week's run
Buy the Bits:
Provides props for a play.
Pay for a Performance:
Buys the performing rights to produce a modern play for one week in The Mission.
Print the Publicity:
Covers an entire shows run of flyers, posters and brochures.
Set the Stage:
Buys or hires scenery for a production.
Sponsor a Show:
Pays the expenses for an entire production
ANY donation, no matter what the amount, would be greatly appreciated.
If you would like to Be an Angel send or deliver a cheque payable to Next Stage to The Mission Theatre 32 Corn Street Bath BA1 1UF with a letter explaining which performance you would like to sponsor, and whether you would be happy for your name to be be associated with the production on any publicity or in the programme.
Thank you for your support.
Please note: Next Stage Theatre Company will use your details solely for the above purpose and will not pass them onto any third party.